
Friday, October 12, 2012

WHAT THE???????????????????????

So normally when something gets me this "upset" I deal with it and pray, but this is gonna need more then prayers. I typically avoid "political" debates and politics and go with my gut and my own observations, but PEOPLE listen to Auntie Jen......(even if you NEVER have or NEVER do again)
GET OFF YOU REAR AND VOTE NOVEMBER 6!!!!!!!!! Trust me your life depends on it and so does your loved ones life..... 

Now let me tell you what started my little rant today.... Couple weeks ago in class, someone mentioned that well this is going to be fun considering that we are all capped at 12 semesters for a pell grant. I did not really pay attention at that time, but asked a friend today if they had heard anything about it and the reply was no you can get a pell until you got to graduate school.... WELL let me tell ya...........  this is what I found this morning......

"Did you know there’s a maximum amount of Federal Pell Grant funds you can receive over your lifetime?Learn what the Federal Pell Grant limits are and how your remaining eligibility is calculated." ( taken from the US Dept. of Education website)

 and here's where you need to check and see what you gotta do....

So uhm yes I got this little bit of disturbing news... I am publishing the link for all my peeps who well like me had not a freaking clue. I am mad, and upset.  Now before I go off on one of my classic rants, I heard about it through someone else, and asked someone else and then found it in on the Dept of Edu site this morning. I looked at it read it and then checked it out. I even called and voiced my concern and frustration. The reply was and I quote LeAnne at the Dept of Edu here " well your financial aid department should have sent notice to you by March of this year." EXCUSE ME? So I called the financial aid office and they were confused as to the fact that they were the ones who were supposed to let students know their reply was "we were told the dept of edu was sending notice." RIGHT! Now I get the whole "Jen you are dealing with the government" issue and the right hand forgets about the left hand but somewhere 1000's of us have missed the memo.... 

So yep it is true, and if I missed the previous memo about this well humpt! All I can say is this is gonna hurt A LOT of folks including incoming college freshman. In the words of a local coach "THAT IS A BULLCORN PLAY AND YOU KNOW IT!" yep uhhu yep you got it. I am fit to be tied. Oh and as an added bouns, they the Dept of Edu has made this RETROACTIVE meaning like me I took classes many moons ago and well yep it counts towards my 12 semesters.! Holy hole in the donut batman get the bat phone and call up old Barrack I gotta bone to hammer over with him. Let me tell you Mr. Barrack you suck! There I said it and I am not ashamed of saying it. If you want feel free to send your cronies after me hell I will even turn myself in. Your "administration" and yourself desire a lot. Again this is truly the first time IN WRITING I have voiced my true feelings for you and your "administration." Your folks have made mention that student loan debt has surpassed credit card debt. YOU THINK? Gee don't need a degree to tell me that.... But I think what really pisses me off is the fact that we full blooded American Citizens are dealing with crap that we under the Constitution and Bill of Rights should not have to be putting up with. You want people to get a job, we have to get an education but now we are not afforded that opportunity with the "cap." So in order to now complete my degree I have to get a job and pay for it myself. Now I am not saying I am against that but I think that the Dept of Edu and your Administration should have said "ok from X date you are only allowed 12 semesters for grants!" That I can do. And gee Mr. Barrack was this little memo trapped in the thousands upon thousands of pages of the "health care bill" that really has only about 10% to do with actual healthcare? Most likely since we again American Citizens who have a given right to see it, have not been allowed unless are "leaders" voted for it. And then good luck finding a copy.!

PEEPS, you gotta get the lead out start researching and stop listening to gossip and the media. Stop sticking your head in the sand and thinking it is gonna get better. It might but not perhaps in our lifetimes if we do not take a stand and start yelling at the top of our lungs until we can not yell any more.  You gotta look it up for yourself and make sure that whatever it is you are seeking is not some facebook, twitter, etc gossip mill published by the media. The debates are over and I am hoping that you either watched and listened intently or at least have a clue from your own personal experience that THIS AIN'T WORKIN' FRED with Obama and his "peeps." Now I know I am gonna lose a lot of you as friends with my opinion of Obama  it is ok i still love ya, but mark my words if you don't get off your fanny and VOTE then lord please help us all. (ya'll just remember that when I am in the federal pen, to bring me cookies and dr pepper ok got it....I hear from Martha that it ain't so bad..... Hell the man will most likely call for my head after this little rant....)

Seriously Mr. Barrack, who in the cathair do you think you truly are? I mean sir, pardon the expression that you suck, but you have taken thriving cities and they have gone under. All but wiped off the map. You have told major corporations what to do with their head employees which well may not have been a bad thing but you have truly overstepped your authority. Veterans who have given their lives for this country, are now with families in tow living under a bridge. And you say you were bringing change. Well where is the change sir? Oh wait change perhaps we AMERICAN CITIZENS misunderstood what change really was about it is that silver stuff and some of it copper in the bottoms of our purses, pants pockets etc. No wait there is none of that left either. Let me describe for you from my own "circle" what I have witnessed in the last couple of years.. I have watched NUMEROUS friends not just acquaintances, close life long friends whose hours and pay at work were drastically cut or they were completely terminated. Only to sit for months even years since you took over without a job.  I have numerous more who are consistently every pay day waiting for that letter of termination or phone call saying hey you have no job, including my own family. I have watched helplessly as my retired friends suffer through rising medical costs and health issues that they have to ignore cause well that ain't got the change or because the doctor no longer can help them because medicare and social security are broke. I have watched as 2 friends completely lost their houses through no fault of their own, and another who is a Veteran lose his and have to come out of retirement to take a job just to even remotely be able to keep his house. I have stood by and watched 6 thriving self employed business owners lose cars, as well as their houses and frankly lives. 2 of them are barley hanging on. So I ask you is this the change you wanted? Now I know Clintonbaby  and Bushey there are to blame for some of it but not all of it. It seems to me that more of this has come under your watch. Seriously, you are telling us AMERICAN CITIZENS who were born here, that well you have to do this that and this and if you do not then you can sit in the Federal Pen! Am I understanding you when you say change is coming? Well I been waiting on change and it ain't here yet.. Maybe your check got lost in the mail oh wait the postal service is about to go under well ok they can have my $3.....

 Well really it is humerus, as if you think about it, you would have shelter, laundry service, meal service, heat and air and be allowed internet access, and a bed, and well do I need to go on? Oh and health care plus access to and education.. Holy frogs sign my happy rear up right here and now! But I digress back to the issue at hand...

So Mr. Barrack, and fellow Barrackites, ( and yes I am using my mad black woman voice here) how you gonna tell me white, AMERICAN CITIZEN, female, mother of 3 who up until 3 years ago was a single mother making ends meet, that "well you need a job but my folks ain't gonna help you, but even if you do manage to get a degree then well there will be more training for that job that the company can  afford to pay for  you and well haaahaaa you have no money cause you spent all yours getting your original degree. But here just go with it maybe you can find a job maybe not". Do you not comprehend the fact that normal honest working their tail off AMERICANS are suffering here? No you honestly do not care.... Seriously Mr. Barrack, if something were to happen to my husband, my two under age 18 children would be out on the street under the nearest bridge even with me working.

It is funny to me as well I hear that again student loan debt has reached levels of tripling credit card debt but then yet you and your flunkies pull something like this and well the only option is to take out more student loans thus increasing the debt... Wow and I am uneducated and figured that out. HOLY FROGMAN, get me a chair in Washington! Sir, you either need to put down the pipe or get a new supplier cause NOTHING you have done in 4 years has made a lick of sense. And your little pal there right behind you well he is a joker..... 

Again I am either gonna lose a lot of you for this, gain a few of you or well Mr. Barrack's "henchmen" may come a knocking at the door.... HAAAAAA I think I still have the right to not answer right??? Oh rest assured folks I will answer.  And I will go quietly. You all know me well enough to know that I hardly ever speak out against "Our Commander in Chief" and do refer to them in the correct term as Mr. President, but Barrack he lost my respect long ago.... Oh sure I get on a roll at times just like the rest of us about Mr. President and not just the current one but this is really the first time I have ever out right spoken out against one in this manner. Typically I have respect for them and stand behind them no matter if I agree or not but this one well ya'll let him know that I would be happy to have a porch conversation with him any day of the week. All I can tell you is Mr. Barrack if you ever do offer me or anyone up a conversation about life in AMERICA, well you better be prepared for what is a coming in that conversation. I for one would have no problem telling you where you can stuff your junk and how to do it. I think a lot of us would do the same.

As for our grants I do not know exactly what I am gonna do.. I guess I will just fly by the seat of me pants and hook a left instead of right. Wish me luck right???????????? So please just listen to Auntie Jen, she don't care whose team you vote for but just get out there and do it.. I am serious folks, you need to write your leaders senators, congressmen and women, governor etc. Make your voice heard literally and with your vote. 

There finished complete and done! Nothing more from me until the election.  Oh and in case you are curious since the retroactive grant thing is in place yes Spring of 2013 will be my last NOT MY LAST but financial wise my last. We can not afford for me to complete my degree any more then we can afford for us to start paying back my student loans. Don't know what I am gonna do other then PRAY and PRAY that you all will go VOTE and make it know that in the words of Twisted Sister "We're not gonna take it anymore!"

Love, smooches, hugs, and froggie kisses