
Tuesday, May 3, 2011

It is not right to eat the crayons!!!!!!!!!!

As for the title well just read and hang on to the end... Maybe it will explain itself.... So here it is the end of the semester and although there is stress brewing in my belly, I am at peace with it. I have no clue where this summer will take me all I know is I listened and I am doing. No I am not taking this summer off, quite the opposite... I have a Maymester class and a Summer II class along with 2 on line classes.. I can do it I just have to do it. 

Yes I know I should be rejoicing with the rest of my fellow Americans about Osama's or Usama's  demise but honestly right now I am numb about it. Yes I care but not that much.. Currently my brain is on over load and my mind has taken a vacation to a tropical paradise with tanned men who are toned and those little umberllaled drinks with names I can not spell....OH crap see there ya go!!!!!!!! 

Oh we honestly should not be happy and celebrating. Well we should but when I think of the lives that have been lost in all from men and women who literally gave up what they were doing to go fight it kills me that we should have any joy. Not to mention the 3000 lives that were lost simply due to the fact that they were at work or on a plane who knows why. I am not certain that one soulless life being lost is worth the thousands upon thousands who have perished at the hands of this evil man. Is it really justification? No it is not. This makes us no better then he was by killing him. Do not misunderstand me here I have not completely lost my mind, but really does this right all the wrongs of what he did? Again NO! And again I am happy that he has been taken out of this world but my real fear is what happens next? My cousin said it best, when she said ok so we got him but that means that there is only 1000 more lining up behind him. And who knows they could be worse. Again do not misconstrue what I am saying I am glad he is gone but honestly people how can we as human beings justify one life for another? And better yet what exactly have we learned from this? Hmmm. Yes you do not like it when I point out these things. I have heard many many times over the years that history repeats itself and we should learn from our mistakes, but honestly what have we learned from this? Well one thing is we have folks voicing their opinion on this that and the other such as "well Obama did what Bush could not" right on down to and I was guilty of this, "Obama just got the presidental bid for 2012." And then we have the " Obama did not do it the military men and women did it. " OK enough folks. Get off the fence and take a stand. All we have managed to do in the last 72 hours is create tension between us and the rest of the free world by our actions and ludicrous bickering about who did it. Perfect example overheard on a phone conversation between a grown man and who knows who but he was arguing that Obama was the one who ordered the "hit" and therefore he should get the credit. WHATEVER!!!!!!!!! Wow how did that happen?? Go figure....Well let us see WHO SHOT JR???? Holy Crap folks grow up and and get real. It does not matter on the grand scale of things, what matters is what can we all take away from this and what can we do to stop these idiots? First we have to stop the inner bickering amongst ourselves. If we do not take something away from this mess, like the fact that we should all agree to disagree then we have done nothing to help those countless lives that gave of themselves. I mean after 9/11 there was so much support by Americans for Americans that there was a sea of red, white and blue. People were respectful and courteous to each other. Yep how did that work, well in my observations, it lasted about 3 weeks before we all went back to being normal and in a hurry and disrespectful. I mean how freakin sad is it that a Home Owners Association has the balls and nerve to tell a Veteran who fought for our freedom that he can not display his flag or other memorabilia? And how freakin said is it that we are all so afraid of hurting someone that we have done things like take the Pledge of Allegiance out of schools for fear that we will offend someone? It is pretty damn sad it what it is. Or the fact that we have jerks who are protesting funerals of the very people that are fighting for our freedoms. I mean you think that they will or would have protested Mr. bin Laden's funeral? Most likely not. They would rather protest someone who no longer has our freedom to argue back. See what I mean. Why do that to the families of these people. And I have heard many survivors families say that this has given them closure. Really? Can you tell me how that bin Laden's death has brought you closure? Please if I am wrong you all know I will admit it but I just do not see how...... So least we not forget those who have perished not just in Afghanistan and Iraq, but the other Wars that perhaps had to happen but yet were senseless in need. That is it. There you people wanted to know how I honestly felt so I told you. And half of you won't like my opinion but that is how I feel.So if you do not want to know, then do not ask me.. I can go on for days but I have to stop........ Now I am off the big soap box. And yes it is Ivory!!!!!!!!! (as in Ivory soap)ha.

So we got the big Eskimo through the scope and cleaning and all is good... Just the normal restriction coupled with ICE ICE baby ice ice baby oh lost my head again any way you get it... He is sore but none the less he is breezing through this better then 6 months ago..... People commented on how bad it looks, but thing is he has 3 tiny holes and 3 or 4 stitches this time compared to the 17 he had in October.... So as he said, I will take this over the other mom any day.........Curly is doing better as well as he has decided that things are just the way they are and he can not change a person. Blondie is sort of enjoying his job and got rather excited when the Eskimo and I came through the drive through today.. Although the little booger has tomorrow off...Just you wait Blondie momma has plans for you........ ( yes there is a devious smile on my face.)

I know I am rambling here but there is a point to all this madness. This is my therapy...Keeps me from eating the crayons....... So just let me vent...Seriously though there are just somethings that should not be discussed and when they are we should all agree to disagree..... Now I have been dropping hints about mother's day and all anyone has said is from the big eskimo, and that is "happy mother's day I got you my knee scoped." Very funny little big man... very funny... Oh but see there sweetie I have the keys to your rehabilitation workout in my hand and I am so not afraid to use it........ notice the devious smile on my face..... 

anyhoo i seriously have to get this powerpoint ready for saturday and have not a clue what i am going to do it on. so i guess it is off here and facebook and see what i can do.... wish me luck... and remember when life gets you down it is not politically correct to eat the crayons!!!!!!!!!!


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