Ahhh yes... I posted this picture tonight on my Facebook. I have discovered that it is not just me who has an issue with it has to be perfect, no it is not that in the least. Fact is I have discovered that lately I have been plagued with more then I can handle. My anxiety attacks are back. My blood pressure is up. I dry heave. I feel like I have swallowed a brick and it is sitting at the bottom of my esophagus. My back is cramping and I have not done this in years, I am telling you YEARS!!!!!!!!! (well maybe 3 but you understand) And I am flat worn out. One would sumize that well I need help, but the virus that is running rampant in this house is extremely contagious and there seems to be no cure the dreaded momwilldoit virus. I have consulted the CDC, our family practitioner and other health/disease specialists and am told that there is no vaccine or antibiotic to assist with this virus. It has to run its course and can be deadly or take years to cure. Well perhaps I should change my major and work on a cure for this disease.
I have asked for help numerous times. I have bargained, pleaded and begged. I have cut things off or out but to my dismay NOTHING seems to be happening. Why I have even yelled and screamed until I am blue in the face. I need help. Is it that hard to comprehend? Oh and if I mention it to anyone, they look at me like I am insane. I am done. Nope tried that as well NOTHING has been the end result.
So this being the case, I have determined that I will say nothing, do nothing and ignore it. HA tried that as well. I have never been good at expressing feelings of this sort, but I am learning. Tonight, for example, I did not use a harsh or curt tone, to Curly I mentioned, I need you all to start doing more and helping more without being told, his reply was you don't have to yell. The Honeyboo, walked out and just kissed and hugged me. The Eskimo, I will cut a little slack, he has been up before the rooster this week and he has still managed to help some, but Blondie, well he has mailed it home. Gma is exempt as she is still looking like a chipmunk in her collar. I considered getting her a spiked one but well she did not find it funny.
So I am certain that when this is read by all or some, I will be quizzed. I should not have to ask is my point. I know that you are all children but seriously cut me some slack. So since there is no cure for this disease, I have decided that I am going on an indefinite sabbatical until further notice. And I am not certain that even the Union could assist and get me back on the job at this point. It would have to be a sweetheart of a deal.... I will consider any and all proposals.
So to the sweet ones who reside here all 4 of you, this is your official notice that I am on strike.
Smooches, night, hugs and loves.
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