Happy Halloween first and foremost... I miss it.. The "little people" are now are to "grown up" for it.. They wanted me to go buy a bag of candy and let them ring the bell and give it to them..... WHATEVER!!!!!! I mean seeing my friends and their youngest ones is making me well sappy!!!!!!!!! I miss how Blondie, the Eskimo and Curly used to go "I wanna be this or that." OH and the endless searching for the right outfit, that I do not miss...But truly I miss them getting all "cuteed" up and going about.. I do. And that brings me to this...... Then again maybe I do not miss it.....
See the week of Halloween precedes a life changing event for me... Five short days AFTER trick or treat came, the Blondie came into this world. Oh let me tell you it started on Halloween that year, only when I went to the hospital, they kindly patted me on the head and told me "first babies are always late." Huh really I get that after 18 years the boy has never mark these words never been on time for a thing. Typically he skirts in on the skin of his teeth, But seriously... So off and on I went about my business acting like I had good sense and pretended to know half way what I was doing but then again.......
So we get through Halloween, and BAM November 5, he sprung out like a rocket into life and the world. Now, I look at him just like this morning, when I asked him if he wanted a pumpkin to carve tonight as I have done for 18 years and he goes "I guess." HUH wait who are you and where is my little punkin head that got mad last year when I did not go get one... The eskimo and curly, had declined as well they had a game and practice tonight.. But Blondie turned me down. OH THE REJECTED FEELING.... He then looked at me with this confused look much like I had and it hit me. I started to cry, no sob as I was driving. "Mom pull over and let me drive" No I will be fine. That realization made me bawl even more..
Why was I crying? Has he grown up too much? Has he not left the "nest" quick enough? And then again.....
No Blondie, here is why.... Last year you turned 18. Everybody asked me if I was emotional. Well I was a little, but this year, as you approach 19 to darn quick, it is about to kill your momma. I guess in my little world, you would always be 18 and never get older. And then again..... So yes Blondie, I was bawling because you have become a young man who now can vote, drive, go into the military, who has enrolled in college, and is considering being a fireman ( please note you always wanted to be 3 things, an astronaut, a trash man, and captain john smith) and now you have a "girl" in your life (all I am gonna say is she better be good to you or momma will have a talking with her). So this is way too much on ya momma. Cut me some slack boy, before I pull out those blonde hairs and send you to indefinite time out. It pains my being to see you pull out the driveway and off to that college you go...Much like the Daisy Lu I have considered biting the tires to keep you from going (oh yes Daisy Lu says you have grown up to fast as well). I just want you to go and get a costume and be happy with your pillow case going door to door, street to street, getting candy and then settling up in the middle of the floor with your brothers. And then again..........
So Blondie in 5 days there shall be another blog ALL ABOUT YOU!!!!!!!!!!!
Happy Halloween
Nighty Nite,
PS- He asked me as I was on the way out of the driveway to get Curly, if I got a pumpkin.....
Hey ... we were at Home Depot earlier and they were giving them away. Wish I'd know - would have picked one up for you.