I am writing this on in all black... After I wrote my previous post, it bothered me as this maybe part of my grumpiness..... MY JAVIBEAR turns 15 tomorrow and gosh darn it I am not happy one bit. I mean really Blondie just turned 18 2 months ago why does this milestone have to happen now??? Can these "little people" not give me time to adjust before they do things like aging???? Seriously!!!!!! I had thought about it and pondered it but really tried to put it out of my head... That is it I can pretend it is not happening...
So why do I call him the 7-11 runt??? I mean he is 6'3 and weighs 260 something and built like you know what. Although he lost a bunch of weight when he broke his femur, he is gaining it back and his appetite as well. See his "other family," his coaches call him Big G.... Momma calls him Javibear or runt... The runt is this, he was the smallest of the bunch when he was born weighing in at a whopping 7 lbs 11 oz.... So we call him 7-11 runt.. He likes it and laughs about it... One time he asked me if we named him 7-11 because that was where he was born... Nope your oldest brother weighed 12 lbs 4 oz and your youngest 8 lbs 5 oz. So yep that makes you the biggest runt from 7-11 I have ever seen......No one really knows why he is so big... His father is not much over 5'9 if that and me well I am hobbit sized thats all you need to know..... But we suspect that he got his height from the males in my family... My grandfather was well over 6 foot, my dad as well... Runt has 2 uncles who are over 6 foot although one not by much, but perhaps he gets it from the females.. My mom and I are not so big and his other grandma is not very large either. But my grandmother, aunt, sister, and cousin well they are tall women... All of them are at minimum 5'9 to 6'0..So where he gets, no one really knows.
I am not concerned where he gets it, just that he has it. The ortho surgeon assured me that he is almost done growing as well they got to see the growth plates. Ha I am not holding my breath as well my cousin who is male grew several inches after he graduated high school...
The thing is, my 7-11 runt has one of the biggest hearts on the planet. He would give you literally his shoes even if it meant he had to do without. One time when he was a same child and yes he was when he was 5 we were driving in the not so pleasant part of town, where there is a large influx of homeless and he saw a little boy walking with no shoes, with his mom down the hot street. Javi said to me (yes it still makes me cry), "momma he has no choes (shoes), why?" As best I could tried to tell him why, and he literally threw a fit for me to turn around to give that little boy his shoes. I did and Javi gave that child his shoes (we were on the way to buy new ones for school). It was heart breaking as both boys were the same age. Then there was the time when we lived in the apartments, and he and I were cleaning. He had just returned from his mission trip from Alaska. We took the trash down to the dumpster, and in the bottom was a box with duct tape on it. It moved. I caught my breath. Javi dove in as I told him not to. He did not listen he kept telling me something was in there. Oh I was sure that something was in there and was already on the phone with the police and apartment manager. As I was relaying information to the police, Javi pops his head up and says "MOM LOOK!" There was something in his voice. I was afraid to look, but he insisted and told me "there is more." WHAT??? I knew it was a baby. And I was right it was, but not just one baby but three small puppies. The police fearing what I was had already summoned and ambulance and arrived. The officer walked up to me as Javi was handing me the last lifeless puppy. Javi said " mom something is wrong with this one." yes Javi there was. the officer helped Javi out of the dumpster and took the lifeless puppy to the ambulance. No it did not make it. But Jeffy came into our lives. He is Javi's and Javi is his. It is funny to see this giant boy and his small dog (jeff is a miniature dachshund). But they go fishing and all kinds of things.... It is a good match of big and little....
And yes as I write this reflecting on all the things like the two above he has done, I cry. I have never feared for his safety, but feared he will become frustrated with the oddities of the world. Javi has a big giving heart. He loves everyone. He does for others and not himself. Oh he does for himself, but he does for others first. It is hard to let go when they grow up. This one I know will be a wonderful man. I am proud of him and all the things he has done.
That said HAPPY BIRTHDAY 7-11 Runt!!!!!!! Momma loves you. I am proud of you and stand behind you no matter where you go from here.... Have a super day.........
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